Since 2005, INPS has had the privilege of offering grants dedicated to land acquisition, restoration and management of remnants, research, youth engagement in ecological restoration, and more.
INPS currently offers two different grant opportunities annually. We accept applications starting in November each year. The deadline for applications is typically early to mid January.
Small Grants
Small Grants Program offers funds to land managers, researchers, and environmental interpreters to conduct restoration and management projects, monitoring, native plant research, and training and education.
See previously awarded Small Grants.
Restore Iowa! Grants
Restore Iowa! Offers funds to those working with youth in ecological restoration efforts. This is aimed at increasing the exposure and interest of young people working in the field to restore natural areas within the state of Iowa.
See previously funded Restore Iowa! projects
For questions about applicability of your project or the grant guidelines, please contact our INPS grant manager, Molly McNicoll at mcnimo01@luther.edu.
Funding to date
INPS is proud of its Small Grants. Since 2005, INPS has awarded over $50,000 to over 60 projects.
INPS is equally proud of it’s Restore Iowa! grants. Since 2012, 13 Restore Iowa! grants were awarded for a total of nearly $12,000.
Donations may also be made to our grants program through the INPS endowment.