April 30, 2022
Our Field Trip leader was John Pearson, DNR Ecologist. We were also escorted by Steve Pearson Madison County Conservation Director.
Steve gave us an overview of Pammel State Park and the ongoing effort by the entire community to recover and heal from the tragic tornado that struck portions of the park this on March 5, 2022.
John was a wonderful walking scientist and storyteller. He shared so much natural history and gave us all insights into this wonderful Iowa State Park. It was a grand experience to listen and learn from both John and Steve and all the various participants. We were for sure, one intrepid group of approximately thirty-five individuals who came together on a cool, blustery, and intermittent light precipitous day.
Thank you John and Steve! Thank you to all the folks who found themselves enjoying an early spring walk on the ‘devils backbone’ inside Pammel State Park.
“Some of the plants and fungi” observed on our Field Trip:
Dutchman Breeches, Spring Beauty, Yellow Violet, May Apple, False Rue Anemone, Pussytoes, Yellow Bellwort, Bloodroot, poverty oak grass, and assorted fungi.